glaciers information

 Glaciers and Glacial Lakes under Changing Climate in Pakistan

The Himalayas, Karakoram and Hindukush lofty mountain ranges meet each other in Pakistan hosting more than 5000 glaciers in Pakistani geographical limits which feed snow/ice melt water to the Indus River System together with summer monsoon. Due to global warming, frozen water resources have been losing their reserves at an unprecedented rate, not only, reducing the ice mass but increasing the number and extent of glacial lakes. Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) are the devastating mountain hazards which have started occurring with increased frequency during the recent years. An alarming increasing temperature trend in northern parts of Pakistan during the last decade which surpassed all the past records has enhanced the snow/ice melt rate and given rise to lake formation process some of which are potentially dangerous for outburst. Due to increase in temperature, the snowline has shifted upward causing migration of biodiversity and lower elevation glaciers have started melting faster. Snow used to occur now in late winter and disappears in early summer, hence, reducing the residency period to complete metamorphic processes for conversion into ice. Ponding of melt water underneath and around the terminal moraine need continuous monitoring to understand their supraglacial behavior and to assess the potential danger of outburst on scientific basis for development of an early warning mechanism. An initiative of The Mountain Institute (TMI) in collaboration of ICIMOD toward Global Glacial Lake Partnership is a step forward to manage such lakes to mitigate the potential losses due to their outburst.
Pakistan is located in South Asia between 24°-37°N latitude and 66°-77°E. It hosts the triple point (junction) of three world famous mountain rages Himalayas, Karakoram and Hindukush in its north. There are more than 5000 glaciers feeding the Indus from 10 sub-basins through different tributaries ranging from few tens of meters to more than 70 km long. According to glacier inventory developed by ICIMOD in 2005 with the help of RS/GIS techniques, over this glaciated domain, there are about 2500 glacial lakes formed due to glacier melt waters and 52 of them were declared potentially dangerous for Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF). The GLOF events are catastrophic as huge loads of debris and mud flows downstream sweeping the infrastructure, houses and crop-lands resulting in scores of life losses if it happens without any alert signal. For mountain population, GLOF is the greatest hazard which is being reinforced by climate change in terms of frequency and vulnerability. Booni Gole Glacier located near Chitral in Hindukush mountain range generated outburst flood in July 2010 triggered by monsoon downpour and caused huge erosive damage
to agricultural land and human settlements along the flow channel. It used to store water under the terminus of the glacier and produce surge either by accelerated melting of snow/ice or by intense rainfall. Due to steep slope downstream, the carried loads of mud, debris including heavy boulders gain momentum and cause heavy loss
es to land, settlements and infrastructure. Passu lake outburst had also followed the similar mechanism in the past with the frequency of outburst at an irregular interval of 2 to 5 years. The scene of its damages is quite visible travelling from Karakoram Highway as Passu village is located along that highway. There is an increasing tendency of formation of new lakes and expansion of existing ones near the glaciers of the Himalayas and Hindukush as confirmed by the temporal comparison of satellite imagaries. Recently UNDP has taken an initiative to study two glacial lakes in Chitral and Gilgit by in-situ observations and remote sensing tools in association with local public and private organizations concerned with glacier monitoring and research. Hopefully, a warning system will be developed to save the lives of the people most likely exposed to that hazard. Experience of Bhutan may be replicated with certain modifications in accordance with organizational and social set up.

Climate Change

Although there are both natural and anthropogenic reasons of climate change but latter is the most dominant with an ever increasing trend since the industrial revolution of 1940s. Population growth in developing countries, which makes about 70% of the comity of nations, has been too high putting an increased pressure on fixed natural resources and the compensation of increased demand for food and shelter through better socio-economic conditions. Increasing population and changing life style under economic transformation raised the level of anthropogenic contribution to climate change many folds as compared to always existing natural ones. Economic development at the cost of environmental degradation played very important role in producing drastic rise in global warming and hence changing the climate over the
global and regional scales. Glaciers and icy surfaces are the most sensitive indicators of global warming which have shown their immediate response in terms of mass balance and contribution of melt water to the sea level rise. Accelerated melting of glaciers generates voluminous water accumulating in deeper pans giving rise to the formation of glacial lakes which continue to increase their size and hence water content. When the water accumulated in such lakes exceeds certain limit and develops enormous pressure on the retaining walls of the lakes, the weakest bank surrenders to outburst and whole of the volume of water rush down slope carrying debris and boulders. Such outburst floods are sudden in nature therefore inflict huge losses to downstream population, land and infrastructure. The reasons of climate change can be categorized as natural andanthropogenic while latter is dominating the former one.
Global warming due to human activities has been affecting all aspects of life posing serious challenges to the availability and utilization of natural resources. Rise in temperature registered during the first decade of 21st century has been two times higher than it was anticipated. According to World Meteorological Organization (WMO, 2011) statement on status of climate, the first decade (2001-2010) is the warmest decade recorded over the globe and 2010 ranked as the warmest year (+0.53°C) followed by 2005 (+0.52°C) and 1998 (0.52°C). Sixteen warmest years of the globe occurred during the last two decades.
Snowline Shift
Snowline is the extent of down slope elevations upto which snow used to occur during the winter season. They are the regions where air temperatures drop below zero for an extended time period. A research study conducted by Rasul, et al., 2006 pointed out that snowline has risen up slope by about a 1 km during the last 25 years. They have also stated that the frequency, intensity as well duration of heat waves (High temperatures persisting for 10 consecutive days) have increased considerably in early summer season which triggered snow/ice melt floods downstream. They carried out isothermic analysis on pentad basis considering the march of 30C isotherm. Its upward movement with the passage of time marked the warming of low elevation thermal regime along the northern mountains. To confirm the research results, a survey was conducted interviewing the elders of the region who confirmed that in the past they used to receive heavy snowfalls in winter and doors of their houses used to remain shut for several days but they
3 Glaciers and Glacial Lakes under Changing Climate in Pakistan.

Glacier Melting
Most of the world glaciers are subjected to depletion with a few exceptions (IPCC 2007) posing serious challenges to water security. Schroder et al., 2007 found that the loss of significant glaciers in Afghanistan and Pakistan may become more serious progressively unless warming generates greater marine evaporation that augments precipitation. The global retreat of glaciers is striking and interaction of atmosphere-cryosphere approach is appropriate to study the dynamic behaviour of glacial fluctuations (Kaser, 2001; Wagnon et al., 2001). Temperature analysis revealed that snowline has shifted about one kilometer higher than its location 25 years before resulting into upward migration of animals and plants species (Rasul, 2006). The effects of global warming in mountain areas are visibly manifested by shrinking of mountain glaciers and reduced snow cover duration (Barry, 2002). However, Hewitt (1998) reported the widespread expansion of large glaciers in the central Karakoram, accompanied by an exceptional number of glacier surges. Rasul et al., 2008 reported that the frequency and intensity of heat waves have significantly increased over the southern slopes of HKH along with an unprecedented increasing trend of annual mean temperatures over this heavily glacierized region. There are contrasting results from scientists about this region. The main reasons of this controversy include insufficient in-situ measurements, lack of data sharing and projection of small scale study over the entire region. However, all the scientists agree upon that low elevation glaciers are losing their ice mass at a faster rate and high elevation glaciers are comparatively stable or melting at a slow rate.
Most of the glaciers in Pakistan’s geographic limits are debris covered and melting rate differs according to the thickness and type of debris in addition to the other factors such as their aspect, elevation etc. Pakistan Meteorological Department in collaboration with several international research groups have been recording in-situ meteorological data and glacier characteristics by high altitude Automatic Weather Stations (3000-5000amsl) installed over the glaciers and through field measurements since 2006. At present 10 large glaciers are being studied in Karakoram and 2 in Hindukush Range. However, the extensive research is focused on two major glaciers Baltoro (heavily debris covered) and Passu (relatively clear). There are 3 AWS installed over the Baltoro Glacier and two at Passu Glacier at an elevation ranging from 3000 to 5000 masl. The results of ablation experiments conducted on Baltoro.
During the field visits, it was noticed that huge amount of water was held under the ice bulk near the terminus (tongue) of many glaciers especially in case of Booni and Passu glaciers which used to cause mysterious outbursts in the past. As such large volume of water ever increasing was not visible, therefore caused serious damages downstream to human lives, settlements as well as infrastructure.
Recently a lake on Hinarchi Glacier grew rapidly in surface area as well as depth. Field teams of PMD snapped the likely formation of lake in 2008 along the moraine. It was surprising that a small pond (about 100 m2) of water expanded into a big lake (1100 m2) when snapped the same site after three years in 2011. The samples collected from the terminal region of the Hinarchi Glacier in 2009 were analysed and results show a significant deposit of black carbon along with other contents of debris. Source of carbon may be the burning of wood in villages which deposit on icy surface due to low level inversion in the valley.



This paper analyzes climate variability in the mountain areas of Pakistan covering
region and on the bases of these analyses, discusses implications for water and
agriculture for the country. Trend analyses of the historical data for the period
1971-2000 show that winter season temperatures have increased in both submountain
and high mountain region during the past 30 years. Relatively higher
increase in maximum winter temperatures was observed, whereas minimum
temperatures during winter showed a slight decline. These results suggest that
days have become warmer whereas nights have become cooler during the winter
season in the high mountain areas. Monsoon temperatures (particularly maximum
temperatures) have also increased in both the regions. More interestingly,
maximum temperatures in the transitional periods “October-November” and
“April-May” particularly in the high-mountain areas are at a rising trend. All
these changes and seasonal variations have important implications for water
resources and agriculture in the mountain areas in particular and for Pakistan in
The results indicate that the maximum temperatures have increased all around the
year particularly in the high mountain region during the last 30 years. Winter
temperatures have increased in both sub-mountain and high-mountain regions
during this period. Rainfall has also increased in both regions. The paper
concludes that the increasing trends in temperature in the high mountain areas
may have some positive impact on crop area and yields. However, these rising
temperature trends may increase the melting of glaciers and snow, reduce snow
accumulation during winter and enhance the overall de-glaciations process and
therefore could well endanger the country’s sustained sources of fresh water from
glaciers and snow melting. Detailed analysis is however recommended to assess
the impact of climatic variability and change on water and agriculture in the
mountain areas.

Mountains of Pakistan:
Geographical Location

Pakistan is located within the latitudinal and longitudinal extensions of 24 to
37°N and 61 to 76°E respectively. The country has Arabian Sea to the south
and high mountains in the north. Northern mountains comprise parts of the
western Himalayan and Karakoram ranges with a small part of the Hindukush
range. Pakistan is the only place where these three great mountain ranges meet.
Besides the northern mountains, there are western highlands separated by
Kabul river from the mountainous north and consist of series of dry and lower
hills. The eastern half of the country is mostly dominated by the flood plains of
the river Indus and its tributaries viz. Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej rivers.
Parts of Balochistan and Sindh provinces constitute deserts (Sheikh and
Manzoor, 2004).

Implications for Water Resources:

Glaciers and snow in the high mountain regions of Himalayas and Hindu Kush
feed the Pakistan’s Western and Eastern rivers, and which largely forms the
country’s 70% of the fresh water resources. The glaciers of our region are however
under severe threat due to rising temperatures associated with climate change.
Study by Rees and Collins (2004) suggests that glaciers in Himalayas are receding
faster than any part in the world and if the present rate continues, the likelihood of
their disappearing by the year 2035 could be very high.
Our analysis in this paper points towards rising temperature trends in the high
mountain areas which could have serious implications for our fresh water
resources. Particularly, the increasing trends in maximum temperature during all
the periods of the year in the high-mountain areas of Pakistan must have increased
the melting of snow and glacier in these areas. More importantly, increases in
temperatures in the winter season might have negatively affected snow
accumulation in these high mountain areas, and increasing maximum temperatures
during April-May and in the subsequent periods might have accelerated the
depletion of snow and glaciers in these areas. This phenomenon of the melting of
snow and glaciers needs a thorough investigation and is beyond the scope of this
study. But a point that is made here is that temperatures in the high-mountain areas
are rising which could well enhance the de-glaciation processes in these areas and
could endanger the country’s sustained sources of fresh water resources.
A rising trend in rainfall both in the high and sub-mountain areas might bring some
beneficial effects in the mountain area. However, being highly fragile and
numerous anthropogenic factors are already causing land degradation in the
mountain areas, increased rainfall could enhance the land degradation process in
these areas through surface run off, soil erosion, and land slides. This could also
add to the increased sedimentation loads downstream, reducing the storage
capacity of our limited reservoirs and eventually could decrease water for
irrigation systems in the country.

Implications for Agriculture:

Unlike water, positive benefits are expected due to increases in temperature in the
high-mountain areas. Recent research conducted by Hussain and Mudasser (2004)
has already shown that rising temperatures during the winter season has caused
shortening of the Growing Season Length (GSL) for wheat crop in Swat and
Chitral districts. This shortening of the GSL has a positive impact on wheat yield
in Chitral valley located in the high-mountain areas, but has a negative impact on
wheat yield in Swat valley located in the sub-mountain region.
Lack of time-series data on yields precludes us to do similar analysis for the whole
of mountain region. Nonetheless, the rising trends in temperature particularly in
the winter season and in the subsequent transitional period of April-May as
observed in our analysis for the high-mountain region provides sufficient evidence
that wheat yields and other similar winter crop yields (e.g. barley) could well be
benefiting from rising trend in temperatures. Future increases in temperature would
increase the possibility of growing probably two or more crops per year in the
mountain areas. Wheat crop area might also expand in these high mountain areas
above 1,500 meters altitude because the corresponding shortening of the GSL
would make it possible for wheat crop to reach to its maturity. [Until recently,
wheat crop above 1,500 meters in most years does not reach to timely maturity as
such was prematurely harvested for fodder production].

Name Height Mountain Range

K2 8611 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Nanga Parbat 8126 Himalaya
Gasherbrum I 8068 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Broad Peak 8047 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Gasherbrum II 8035 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier

7000-8000 Meters
Name Height Mountain Range
Gasherbrum III 7952 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Gasherbrum IV 7925 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Disteghil Sar 7885 Karakoram, Shimshal, Muztagh
Kunyang Chhish 7852 Karakoram, Hispar-Muztagh
Masherbrum NE (K1) 7821 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Batura I 7795 Karakoram, Batura Muztagh
Rakaposhi 7788 Karakoram, Rakaposhi-Haramosh Muztagh
Batura II 7762 Karakoram,Batura Wall
Kanjut Sar 7760 Karakoram, Hispar Muztagh
Batura I 7755 Karakoram, Batura Wall
Saltoro Kangri 7742 Karakoram, Saltoro Valley
Batura III 7729 Karakoram, Batura Wall
Trivor 7728 Karakoram, Hispar Muztagh
Tirich Mir 7706 Hindukush
Chogolisa I 7665 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Shishpar Sar 7611 Karakoram, Batura Muztagh
Silberzacken 7597 Himalaya, Nanga Parbat Region
Batura IV 7594 Karakoram, Batura Wall
Unknown 7581 Karakoram, Batura Wall
Yukshin Garden 7530 Karakoram, Hispar Muztagh
Passu Peak West 7500 Karakoram,Passu Massive
Pumari Chhish W 7492 Karakoram, Hispar Muztagh
Noshaq 7492 Hundu Kush
Passu Sar 7476 Karakoram, Batura Muztagh
Malubiting W 7458 Karakoram, Rakaposhi-Haramosh Muztagh
Muchu Chhish (BaturaV) 7453 Karakoram, Batura Muztagh
Sia Kangri 7422 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Haramosh 7409 Karakoram, Rakaposhi-Haramosh Muztagh
Istoro-o-nal 7403 Hindu Kush
Unknown 7400 Karakoram, Batura Wall
Ultar I Peak 7388 Karakoram, Batura Muztagh
Sherpi Kangri 7380 Karakoram, Saltoro Valley
Saraghrar 7349 Hindu Kush
Momhil Sar 7343 Karakoram, Hispar Muztagh
Jutmo Sar 7330 Karakoram, Hispar Muztagh
Bojohagur Duanasir 7329 Karakoram, Batura Muztagh
Yazghill 7324 Karakoram, Shimshal & Boiber Valleys
Unknown 7300 Karakoram, Concordia & Baltoro Glacier
Passu Diar 7295 Karakoram, Batura Muztagh
Unknown 7295 Karakoram, Passu Massive, Hunza Valley
Malubiting C 7291 Karakoram, Rakaposhi-Haramosh Muztagh
Baintha Brak 7285 Karakoram, Biafo Glacier
Passu Peak 7284 Karakoram, Passu Massive
K6 7281 Karakoram, Hushe Valley
Baltoro Kangri 7280 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Unknown 7280 Karakoram, Batura Wall
Unknown 7274 Karakoram, Concordia & Baltoro Glacier
Muztagh Tower 7273 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Diran 7257 Karakoram, Rakaposhi-Haramosh Muztagh
Lupgar Sar C 7200 Karakoram, Hispar Muztagh
Karum Koh 7164 Karakoram, Shimshal & Boiber Valleys
Hachindar Chhish 7163 Karakoram, Batura Muztagh
Snow Dome 7160 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Latok I 7151 Karakoram, Biafo Glacier
Latok II 7145 Karakoram, Biafo-Hispar
Kampir Dior 7143 Karakoram, Batura Muztagh
Unknown 7133 Karakoram, Concordia & Baltoro Glacier
Kunyang Chhish N 7108 Karakoram, Hispar Muztagh
Udren Zom 7108 Hindu Kush
Kunyang Chhish 7108 Karakoram, Biafo Hispar
Ghenta Peak 7090 Karakoram, Hunza Valley
Riakot Peak 7070 Himalaya, Nanga Parbat Region
Sangemarmar Sar 7050 Karakoram, Hunza Valley
Link Sar 7041 Karakoram, Hushe Valley
Spantik 7027 Karakoram, Rakaposhi-Haramosh Muztagh
Mulungutti Sar 7025 Karakoram, Hispar Muztagh
Akher Chhish 7020 Hindu Kush
Pamiri Sar 7016 Karakoram, Batura Muztagh
Rakaposhi East 7010 Karakoram, Rakaposhi & Bagrot Valley
Unknown 7004 Karakoram, Concordia & Baltoro Glacier

6000-7000 Meters
Name Height Mountain Range
Laila Peak 6986 Karakoram, Bagrot-Haramosh Valleys
K7 6934 Karakoram, Hushe Valley
Beka Brakai Chhok 6882 Karakoram, Batura Wall
Vigne Peak 6874 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Koyo Zom 6871 Pechus Glacier, Kishmanja
Dut Sar 6858 Karakoram, Shimshal & Boiber Valleys
Angel Sar 6858 Karakoram, K2 & Concordia
Latok III 6850 Karakoram, Bisfo-Hispar
Chongra Peak 6830 Himalaya, Nanga Parbat Region
Miar Peak 6824 Karakoram, Bagrot-Haramosh Valleys
Rhuparash 6785 Karakoram, Upper Nagar
Biarchedi 6781 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Seiri Porkush 6771 Karakoram, Batura Glacier West
F Trango Tower 6763 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Choricho 6756 Karakoram, Braldu River Valley
Biale Peak 6729 Karakoram, Muztagh Glacier
Trinity Peak 6700 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Mani Peak 6685 Karakoram, Bagrot-Haramosh Valleys
Haramosh II 6666 Karakoram, Bagrot-Haramosh Valleys
Thui I 6660 Ponarillo Glacier, Kishmanja
Gul Lasht Zom 6657 Hindu Kush, Lutkho Valley
Piaju Peak 6610 Karakoram, Braldu River Valley
Makrong Chhish 6607 Karakoram, Bisfo-Hispar
Gonalo Peak 6606 Himalaya, Nanga Parbat Region
Phuparash Peak 6574 Karakoram, Bagrot-Haramosh Valleys
Buni Zom 6550 Hindu Kush, Shishi & Golen Valleys
Thui II 6523 Shetor Glacier, Thui Pass
Ghamubar I 6518 Ghamu Bar Glacier , Darkot
Noukarsich 6496 Karakoram, Lupghar Massive, Hunza
Honbrok 6459 Karakoram, Hushe Valley
Ghamubar II 6432 Ghamubar Glacier, Darkot
Uli Biaho 6417 Karakoram, Braldu River Valley
Koser Gunge 6401 Karakoram, Braldu River Valley
Namika Peak 6325 Karakoram, Hushe & Shyok Valleys
Urdukas I 6320 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Bullah 6294 Karakoram, Braldu River Valley
Purian Sar 6293 Karakoram, Pakore Pass
Mango Gusor 6288 Karakoram, Braldu River Valley
Great Trango Tower 6286 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Gama Sokha Lumbu 6282 Karakoram, Braldu River Valley
Urdukas II 6280 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Hunza Peak 6270 Karakoram, Hunza Valley
Marbal Peak 6256 Karakoram, Concordia & Baltoro Glacier
Crystel Peak 6252 Karakoram, Concordia & Baltoro Glacier
Ghuchhar Sar 6249 Hindu Kush, Shishi & Golen Valleys
Garmush 6244 Garmush Glacier, Darkot
H Trango Tower 6239 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Lobsang 6225 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Blatts Yaz 6191 Ghamubar Glacier, Darkot
Thui Zom 6158 Ghamubar Glacier, Darkot
Bilchar Dubani 6134 Karakoram, Bagrot-Haramosh Valleys
Urdukas III 6130 Karakoram, Baltoro Glacier
Chikar Zom 6110 Chatebori Glacier, Darkot Pass
Uli Biaho Tower 6109 Karakoram, Braldu Ruver Valley
Tupopdan 6106 Karakoram, Shimshal & Boiber Valleys
Darmyani 6090 Karakoram, Lupghar Massive, Hunza
Mingli Sar 6050 Karakoram, Shimshal & Boiber Valleys
Balti Peak 6050 Karakoram, Hushe Valley
Mitre Peak 6025 Karakoram, Concordia
Bublimating 6000 Karakoram, Hunza Valley

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